Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Live Online (UK) Autumn 2024. BWY-Accredited. Yoga Alliance CEUs.

Rest is essential for our health and enjoyment of life.

Through restorative yoga we can rest deeply. It’s a wonderfully nourishing practice of non-judgement and non-striving that provides a foundation for our presence in the world. Beneficial for all to rebalance and rejuvenate, it is a balm for the stress and exhaustion that are so prevalent.

In our often agitated and anxious world, restorative yoga provides a way for us to to remain connected with our inner life. From day to day, this means we can be more patient (towards ourselves and others), less easily disturbed and enjoy glimpses of profound freedom.

In restorative yoga the body is fully supported by props, creating comfort and ease. No effort is required. The nervous system is palpably soothed, and this builds our capacity to meet life and its challenges with greater clarity and grace.

“It was amazing. I could have stayed there for hours, and could practically feel all those tight knots in my neck and shoulders breathing little sighs of relief at being able to relax.” – Pippa

Physiologically, due to its positive relationship with the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system, restorative yoga supports the optimal functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems and can be helpful for conditions relating to these. Tension in the musculoskeletal system is released. Cellular restoration and healing occur.

Restorative yoga is effective in relieving insomnia and in easing times of transition, including perimenopause and menopause. It’s supportive during demanding periods in life, such as career change, becoming a parent, moving house/country and grief.

For many, restorative yoga provides a sanctuary and source of strength; a chance to remember what really matters and why we are here. The practice also eases the way towards meditation.

To learn more about restorative yoga classes and personalised programmes, please contact Carol here. Offered online and in-person in/near Hertfordshire, SG7, UK.

”I would say that I have noticed the work has helped me to practise being still more often. This has helped me to practise being with myself and to observe how I am feeling instead of rushing along and being distracted. I have noticed some shifts in my mental resistance to how I am feeling – I have been able to let go of resistance more and allow feelings to be there, pass by and release. I have found I am able to let go of tension in my body more easily too.

I have learned to be more aware of how my body feels and what I need at any given time. Paying attention to small details as part of the restorative yoga has allowed me to practise making choices for myself according to how I feel or what I need in each moment. I have learned to be in silence more easily and to embrace that more readily.

Thank you again.” – R

Carol began her practice of yoga 30 years ago. She is an Advanced Relax and Renew® Trainer, having had the privilege to train with and assist Judith Hanson Lasater, a modern pioneer of restorative yoga. Carol was first introduced to restorative yoga through the Iyengar tradition.

“I was lucky enough to have Carol teaching me for my Restorative Yoga teaching qualification. She is compassionate and inclusive, organised and understanding, and her written materials to support our learning were excellent. The two weekends were wonderful and eye-opening, as was the work we did with case study students. The whole qualification was very well thought-out and she ran it brilliantly. Since then I have enjoyed her teaching online in various classes and workshops where I greatly value her gentle and knowledgeable approach. I always feel safe in her hands!” – Sabina

You’re welcome to read more about how and why Carol personally came to practise and share restorative yoga here.

Level 2 Restorative Yoga Training

For those with a 30-hour Level 1 restorative qualification. To receive details when released, please enter your name and email:

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restorative yoga twist
restorative yoga backbend
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